If the car breaks down, it’s all my fault.
If the scissors are missing, it’s all my fault.
If the litter box stinks up the whole bathroom, it’s all my fault.
If there’s no room in the refrigerator, it’s all my fault.
If the cable goes out, it’s all my fault.
If we run out of soda, it’s all my fault.
If the boys are late for school, it's all my fault.
If there's a long wait at a restaurant, it's all my fault.
If the dining room table is covered in clutter, it’s all my fault.
If Lucas can’t find his drumsticks, it’s all my fault.
If someone forgets their homework, it’s all my fault.
If there’s nothing good on TV, it’s all my fault.
If Jango screams all night, it’s all my fault.
If Kyle stays out late and misses dinner, it’s all my fault.
If Quinton forgets to take his medication, it's all my fault.
If Quinton runs out of his medication, it's all my fault.
If the pharmacy is closed, it's all my fault.
If there are no clean salad forks, it's all my fault.
If the electric bill is too high, it's all my fault.
If there are weeds in the front yard, it's all my fault.
If someone is bored, it's all my fault.
If the lunch box gets left at school, it's all my fault.
If there's nothing good to eat, it's all my fault.If the printer runs out of ink, it's all my fault.
If the A/C filters don't get changed, it's all my fault.
If the doorbell doesn't get answered, it's all my fault.
The preceding message was written in complete sarcasm. I know in my head that every wrong in life is not my fault. I just wish someone would tell that to my family.