Monday, March 10, 2008


--As of today, I am now classified as being in my "mid-30's". Before, I could get away with "early-30s"...even if it was on a technicality.
--I am no longer part of any target demographic. The world is busy catering to teenagers and old people. A perfect example is the store offerings at Arrowhead Towne Center in Glendale.
--Screen-printed novelty t-shirts are cute...when worn by other people.
--I am now old enough to run for president.
--I know how to drive a stick shift, use a sewing machine, and operate AutoCAD. But I can't get the hang of texting.
--My day is not complete until I have watched the news.
--A good moisturizer that contains sunscreen is of utmost importance.
--So far, I have managed to elude that first gray hair. Let's see how long THAT lasts!
--I am now of cougar age. I may no longer be a puma, but at least I'm a long way from sabre-tooth.
--I am seemingly the youngest Mustang driver on the road.
--Speaking my mind is a whole lot easier than it was in my 20s.
--The oldies station now plays music from my lifetime.
--A wild and crazy night consists of Chinese take-out, chocolate martinis, and making snarky comments about the clueless naifs Property Ladder.
--I no longer care if my clothes are trendy...just as long as they're comfortable and make me look thinner than I really am. .

--In fact, by age 35, trendy is no longer trendy. Period.
--My driver's license will expire in exactly 30 years.
--Instead of a weekend in Vegas, that extra cash is spent on new tires, veterinary bills, and getting the garage door fixed.
--I have wrinkles AND acne.
--News articles about real estate have become a form of entertainment.
--Being one of the older students at school is fun. I can teach these kids a thing or two.
--I am now older than Christopher. (Enjoy it, Hon. 'Tis it will only last for a few months!)


RainbowDishes said...

Happy Birthday. This year I will turn 40. I am actually looking forward to the big 4-0!!! For some reason 30 and 35 were not big deals. Just seemed like life kept going on. But this year has seen some big changes already and I am looking forward to the future! :)

My grandparents always told me that 40 was great but 50 was I guess I have 10 more years to look forward to.

ChristopherM said...

You can't text?! But you are like me in that you're in school and probably around folks who are 10 years younger than should have rubbed off! After my first few months of law school, I had to up my texting plan with AT&T because my law pals were costing me a fortune in overages.

I actually own a few funky graphic t's and I can still pull them off, thank you! I'll tell you where I draw the line, though: no man older than 28 should ever wear anything with a logo from Abercrombie & Fitch. It just screams out, "I'm terrified of aging!" Every time I see a gay guy my age in that crap, I just want to take his hand and tell him it will be okay.

So happy birthday to my long-lost twin sister, who for the next three months will be a year older than me. Poor mother must have had a horrible time in labor taking that long between us!

Menchie said...

Happy birthday!!!!!

And please, 35 is NOT old! take heart in the fact that I'm OLDER than you. :D

Hope you had a great day.

Ms. Val said...

For some reason 30 and 35 were not big deals.

Craig, I'm ALWAYS looking for ways to make myself a big deal. :-D

Ms. Val said...

Christopher, NO, I can't least not well. I take too long--like a hunt-and-peck typer. Anyway, it's simply not in my nature to abbreviate, substitute numbers for words, and misspell stuff on purpose.

And the graphic T statement was geared toward women. Men of age can still pull the look off. A 35+ year old woman in a Juicy Couture baby tee is just trying too hard.

Poor mother must have had a horrible time in labor taking that long between us!

Well, it's your fault for kicking me out! You just had to have the womb all to your self. :-)~

Ms. Val said...

Menchie, I had no idea. I thought you were close to my age but younger. You seem younger somehow. That's a compliment, BTW.