Tuesday, November 07, 2006

5 Things--People Collection List

Maria tagged me to post a meme to write 5 profane or mundane (propane?) things about myself. I've been reading these from other fellow bloggers all day. I just hope my list can measure up...

1. I like to dip my pizza crust in either ranch dressing or wing sauce.

2. I make funny mnemonic devices out of the letters in license plates. Before we went personalized, one of our license plates included the letters GNR: "Guns N Roses", I called that one. The other plate's letters were PAM. Q came up with: "Persistently Anxious Mom".

3. I have the following sign hanging outside by the pool. We behave accordingly.

4. I always use a pink toothbrush

5. A few years ago when my mom and I were shopping in California, we went into a store that had some really cool embellished jeans. I wanted to try them on, but couldn't find a dressing room. I asked a sales clerk, and she confirmed that the store doesn't have one. Mom asked me: "What do you want to do?" I motioned for Mom to follow me to the back of the store. We went behind a stuffed clothes rack, where I had a full view of the store. I handed Mom my purse and she acted as my look-out person while I dropped trou in the middle of the store. If this place wants to sell me jeans, they are damn well going to let me try them on! Oh, and I did end up buying the jeans.

Ok, now I have to tag some people. This is going to be hard since most of the people on my blog list have already done this or have been tagged to do it. In fact, that only ones left are Mark, Papa, and Homo Escapeons.

Tag, you're it...


Anonymous said...

sooooo nice! i love your list! I'll let Sharon know so she can add you to her list.

I watch car's license plates... I find it fun to see on the road C U L8R... I blogged about it - many moons ago!

love your list!!! and your 70s pic... :)

WithinWithout said...

I like the "swimsuits optional beyond this point" sign, and the pink toothbrush...

Ms. Val said...

Maria--Thank you. Where can I see Sharon's list?

WW--That sign has gotten us in trouble a few times. Like then my son brings friend home when we're out in the pool...

Ces Adorio said...

Ditto on the swimsuit, although I would do it on a moonless night. I am totally understanding the need to try on the jeans. I would have done the same. Very fascinating info on the pizza - you are totally spiced!

Very good mental exercise on the license plates. Will have to try that with the kids on long trips.

Anonymous said...

ms. val,

here's Sharon's 5 things website - http://sharon-jacobsen.co.uk/thewaterbutt/five-things/ i must warn you, visit to her website is addictive. it's awesome like yours. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms. Val!

I was also tagged by Maria to do the same meme. I love your list.

When can I go swimming in your pool? Bwahaha! =)

Have a fun weekend, lovely! =)

Anonymous said...

I love the jeans story! I'm not sure I'd have dared do the same though ;-)