Sunday, October 01, 2006

Ms Val's Bargain of the Week

I'd had my eye on this breezy, airy, cotton white blouse at the Gap website for quite awhile. But at $48, I wanted to wait until it went on sale--because I never EVER pay full price at Gap, Old Navy, or Banana Republic.

So, when the website showed that the shirt had gone on sale for $34.99, I wandered over to the Gap store in our local mall. They had the shirt...last one in my size, too. But the price tag still read $48 and there wasn't a sale sign in site. No problem. I'll just have the cashier look it up on the Internet.

When I went to pay, the shirt rung up at $19.99. Cool! "Oh...oh...WAIT....I have a coupon too...for $10 off!!!!!!!

Final price for this was $10.31...almost 80% off. SCORE!!!!!!


ChristopherM said...

I never pay full price at those stores either, except at the beginning of this semester. I desperately needed casual pants to fit my burgeoning waistline, and Banana had the only pair of khakis I could find in my size (34 length...not easy!) that weren't pleated and didn't make me look I should be wearing a pocket-protector. I dropped $50 on those pants, but all the pants I own from Banana have lasted and lasted and still look great, so I didn't feel too bad about it.

When I'm eating Ramen by December, it will be another story, I'm sure.

kj said...

i am sooooo envious. great shirt!

Ms. Val said...

kj, they still have them at the Gap online down to $14.99. Or perhaps you could check out the store at your local mall if you feel up to getting out. Just ask jb to drive you and take out for lunch, too.