You may have noticed that I haven't posted an update on Quinton in quite awhile. That's because there hasn't been much to write about. And that's a good thing, trust me.
Over a week ago, I took Q to the Mayo Clinic in Fountain Hills for a CT scan on his abdomnen. Later that day, he had a follow up appointment from his previous hospital stay. Everything looked good, including the CT scan. Good enough, in fact, to warrant the removal of the recent abdominal drain. Another appointment with interventional radiology needed to be made, and we're still waiting for that to happen. (They do things wierd at Mayo....they arrange and set up all appointments and call to inform you where you need to be and when.)
Quinton also gets tired often. He started working from home today, but need to lie down "for 15 minutes", he told me. After his little rest, Q went back to work until lunchtime, but he had to lie down again after eating.
That has been a recurring issue with Quinton. He will eat a normal meal, but his stomach will hurt enough to force him back to the couch. Our theory here is that Q's system is still getting used to accepting food. Remember, he went many weeks without being able to eat anything.
As of this writing, it has been 2 1/2 weeks since Q was last released from the hospital. And as long as his numbers stay normal, he shouldn't have to return. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
4 years ago
(chanting) No more hospitals! No more hospitals!
Good luck, Val!
Well, we had to go back yesterday for Q to have his drain removed. The nurse told him not to submerge the wound (no swimming) for 4 days. Great! By then, the weekend will be over.
Ick, I hate having drains removed! I had one from my surgery that went in just under and behind my earlobe, and the tube was along my jawline...nasty! I can definitely sympathize.
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