Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday 13: The Anniversary Edition

Today is Q's and my 15th anniversary. We just celebrated last weekend because Q has customers in town all week. Today's Thursday 13 illustrates my theory as to why we have lasted so long--we are complete opposites.

1. He’s a country boy and I’m a city girl.

2. He’s quiet, easy going, and laid back. I am loud, wound up like a top, and easily stressed.

3. His style is simple and casual. Mine is colorful and flamboyant.

4. He’s a saver; I’m a spender.

5. He’s a left brain; I’m a right brain.

6. His movie preferences include court room dramas, action films and whodunits, while I like comedies and cheesy, campy garbage films.

7. He loves to cook, bake, grocery shop, and watch Food Network. I prefer order a pizza.

8. He likes to watch the Fox News Channel. I prefer….anything but.

9. Him: banana nut bread. Me: Banana Republic

10. He likes ice cubes. I prefer my ice crushed.

11. He thinks I have enough handbags. I think he should be grateful that I’m not a jewelry person.

12. My ideal date night: Dinner at an upscale sushi bar in North Scottsdale…complete with valet parking and overpriced Jell-O Martinis. His ideal date night: Attending a Diamondbacks game where the tickets and food are free. Double points if it’s t-shirt giveaway night.

13. I’m picky about the cars I drive. I will only buy cars that have things like cool taillights, big radio buttons, and the shifter has to be on the floor. His only requirement for a car is that it runs.


Ces Adorio said...

Val, this is a lovely post. Look at the two of you - both gorgeous! You compliment each other, enhance each other's life. Oh I almost forgot - based on the early posts on this blog, you lasted this long because you love each other :-)


kj said...

awwh, val, this should be in a marriage manual somewhere. what a total pleasure to read about and see the two of you!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww. I love reading about happy couples! Hope you had a great anniversary celebration! c",) Stay happy in love!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful picture! You even had great hair back then too! LOL!

Ms. Val said...

Ces--Thank you. We do look good. Although I think we look better in our 30s than we did there. I certainly have better hair.

KJ--Thank you. I got just as much pleasure writing it.

Irene--Thank you for stopping by. I checked out your blog and it's cool. I'll be back often.

Denise--Thank you, but that's only because the lady at the salon did it.

ChristopherM said...

Val, why is it that my birth sister and the sister from whom I was separated at birth are so gorgeous? What's up with that?

Ms. Val said...

Oh, you pretty up just fine, Christopher. You've got nicer legs than woman I know!

Maria said...

Have I told you yet that I like the picture? Oh yeah, I did on myspace, let me say it again - love the photo! You look so pretty and he is so handsome - you look good together!

I like your list, too.