Monday, October 23, 2006

Palm Springs Weekend

You know you're almost there when you get to the windmill farm.

We were both drunk on $4 martinis when I took this picture

I don't know how he did it, but Q managed to wedge our car into this super tight parking space. When we got out of the car, a table full of restaurant diners gave him a round of applause. Lucky for us, the other two cars left first. By the time we left, the nearest car was a Hummer that was parked a good five feet away.
What's wrong with this picture?

I'm not just the president, I'm also a client.

We drove the whole way home with the top down. And I have the sunburn to prove it.

This is what happens when its my turn to drive.

Fast Food!!!!!!

I would really love to know the story behind the naming of this road.


papa said...

Got milk?

Ces Adorio said...

Val, looks like you and Q had a great time. That is so wonderful. I think you and Q needed to be by yourselves after his courageous fight and your fervent and loving support. A well deserved couples only getaway!

Ms. Val said...

Papa--It's not just for breakfast anymore!!!!

Ces--We had a GREAT time! Kyle was a little upset that we didn't take him and Luke along, but they got over it. I LOVED Palm Springs. Lots of really cool stores with stuff you couldn't find anywhere in Phoenix. Also, PS has the best mid-century architecture. We might go back in the spring.