Quinton has been home for two full days now. He's very tired today, but that's probably because he overdid it yesterday. He accompanied us on a doctor’s appointment for Lucas. Later—after a very long nap—we went for a walk around the block.
Unlike his previous times at home, Q is eating quite well. He’s not eating nearly as much as his pre-Cushing’s days, but he’s definitely eating enough. I should note that he lost a good 20 pounds in the hospital. As a result, his stomach shrunk, thereby needing less food.
Q has been having some pain at the site of his incisions. But he’s controlling that by taking one Vicodin every day or two.
We’re hoping that Quinton will not need further hospitalization. I’m watching him for nausea and fevers, and so far there have been neither. He will have his first post-hospital follow-up appointment next week. And we have a bunch more lined up. After all this is done, I should look for work as an appointment secretary. I’d be good at it!
4 years ago
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